We are pleased to announce that as of September 9, 2002, CyberLynk’s corporate offices will be located in a new, larger facility. Effective immediately, please direct all correspondence to the following address:
CyberLynk Network, Inc.
10125 S. 52nd Street
Franklin, WI 53132
In addition, our new phone number is 414 858-9335. This number will also be effective on September 9. This move will not affect any provided services – we are only moving our administrative offices and our Network Operations Center (NOC) to this new facility. We continue to offer services in Racine as before. Our toll-free number will also remain the same at 800-862-5965.
CyberLynk continues to move forward with advanced technology and many new services for our customers. If you have not done so recently, please check out our web site for more information on these services. Our web site also contains a wealth of information including announcements, tutorials, policies, and contact information. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of our Customer Service Representatives. We would love to hear from you!
Visit www.cyberlynk.net/newoffice/ to see our new offices…
Best regards,
The CyberLynk Team