CyberLynk is dedicated to corporate customers, both large and small, who need Internet services in the day to day operation of their business. Our new web site will be a good resource for new ideas and solutions to existing situations. Our focus has been simply – to solve implementation problems, and to provide excellent Customer Service.

For the past four years our web site has remained the same. As we have added new products and services we found it difficult to upgrade our site. We have now published the first revision of our new site. This will be a work in progress for the next couple of months as we add all of the content – please excuse the pages under construction as we work on the content.

Our intent is to make this web site a resource to our existing corporate and government customers as well as potential new customers. We have been solving Internet related problems for six years now and we intend to make most of this information available to the public. Please check back frequently for updated tutorials and white papers explaining how to use our services and general Internet technologies.

If there is certain information that you would like to see on our web site, please contact with your suggestions.