The Process of Selling your Hosting Company You’ve done it: You’ve had a good long run with your very own web hosting business, and you’ve managed to climb the Web ranks like you never thought possible or maybe it has been harder then you ever imagined. Either
Read more →Ever wonder what is greeting your customers when they call in? Do you even know where your phone system is located? Who can program it? What happens if it fails and how long will it take you to recover? Most businesses take their phone system for granted
Read more →Many of the businesses that CyberLynk deals with on a daily basis wonder how colocation can help reduce operating expenses and increase server uptime. Businesses that host servers within their office for email, websites, customer accessed applications and anything where users from the public Internet would be
Read more →One of the things we like to talk most about—specifically within the realm of web hosting, is reseller hosting. It is certainly one of the coolest and newest industries to appear on the horizon pretty much since the Internet began, and if you’re looking for a way
Read more →We know it’s our job, but we really do like talking about web hosting. It’s an industry that’s near and dear to our hearts, and one of the reasons why is because we have a real chance to help better the Internet. We will be covering two
Read more →Introduction Many small to medium-sized businesses employ consultants to help them manage their company’s networks and other information infrastructure. Ideally, bringing in a consultant can be a great way to buy high-value services on an ala carte basis. You pay only for what you need when you
Read more →Introduction The purpose of this document is to discuss CyberLynk’s spam and virus Filtering Service as a viable option in addressing the security concerns related to spam email and viruses. Since spam email and virus infections continue to be on the increase, the obvious question that begs
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